Tuesday, December 27, 2011

More Important than Politics?

After months and months of the GOP debates and analysis the Iowa Caucus is next week and now you the people will decide who the GOP candidate will be.

I started the journey back in May analyzing the candidates and started out leaning towards Herman Cain. Over the months before Herman Cain backed out I was backing Ron Paul and continue to. That is my decision what is yours?

I am going to shift focus from strictly politics (still will talk about politics, but branch out more) to things that are more applicable and frankly less dividing.

My final plea towards the GOP primaries is

Vote on your principles even if it isn't Ron Paul

Think liberty and freedom

Don't vote only on who is electable, but who you want to get elected

Know your candidate and where they stand

We are the future of America and I believe we can agree (even if not on the candidate) that we are on the wrong path and that we need to be informed.

The Bantam Voice

Know Your State Constitution

Here is the link to the state constitutions. Read not only the United States Constitution, but also your states constitutions.

The Bantam Voice

Friday, December 23, 2011

Best Candidates for .... You

Here is my list going into the Iowa Caucus of who I believe the best candidate is for freedom and a seperate list for Christians and for standard "Republicans. I will only list the top three of each candidate.

My personal list "Freedom" being the most important factor

1. Ron Paul

2. Michelle Bauchmann

3. none fit the bill (no one else even talks about personal liberty frequently)

List for Christians which the msot important factors being abortion and banning homosexual marriage

1. Michelle Bauchmann/Rick Santorum

2. Rick Perry

3. Ron Paul

List for "traditional" republicans with important factors being on strong military and being intellectual

1. Mitt Romney

2. Newt Gingrich

3. Jon Huntsman (basically a democrat)

Ron Paul (in review)

Ron Paul Freedom Score of 10 (out of a possible 10)

Key Notes
Texas Congressman since 1978
"intellectual godfather" of the tea party movement

Conservative Strengths
Strong against abortion
Strong family values
Strong for states rights

Conservative Weakness
Not for being the worlds police and fighting wars without declaring war

Ron Paul has certainly won my vote. Even if he ends up running 3rd party I probably will vote for him if the GOP candidate isn't someone with the principles of freedom and the constitution.

He has fought for personal liberties more than any other politician that has been seen in the last 40 years. Here is a paragraph from wikipedia

"Paul has been termed the "intellectual godfather" of the Tea Party movement.[5][6] He has become well known for his libertarian ideas for many political issues, often differing from both Republican and Democratic Party stances. "

For many "traditional" Republicans and Christians Paul really is a complicated candidate and hard to handle. The reason that this is the case is many Christians want the government to enforce our morals onto the rest of the population. Paul believes the government should have no role in marriage due to it being a church sanctioned union. That is why Ron Paul doesn't believe the government shouldn't ban homosexual marriage, but rather should get out of marriage altogether. He believes the churches have the responsiblity to not marry homosexuals and if homosexuals want a union they can have it, but it won't be called marriage.

Ron Paul is strong against abortion and believes we should have citizenship start at conception.

He is also for being able to drink raw milk and letting the free market figure out solutions vs. the government solutions.

I believe he is the best option we have and that our nation would thrive under his presidency and more importantly under the freedom that we will have underneath his administration.

Vote freedom every time

The Bantam Voice

Michelle Bauchmann (in review)

Michelle Bauchmann Freedom Score of 8 (out of a possible 10)

Key Notes
Represenative of Minnesota

Conservative Strengths
Strong against abortion
Strong against homosexuality
Strong for states rights
Strong for family values

Conservative Weakness
Not quick on her feet

Michelle Bauchmann is the best candidate for a traditional conservative banner especially for Christians. She is strong in family values, strong against abortion, homosexuality, and does fight for the Constitution and freedom on many occassions. Which is what makes me wonder why she is so strong for the Patriot Act and completely throwing out the Constitution with it. Her actual words are that she was for the Patriot Act and that "we need more tools like it and stronger."

Rick Perry (in review)

Rick Perry Freedom Score of 6 (out of a possible 10)

Key Notes
Governor of Texas

Conservative Strengths
Strong against abortion
Strong against homosexuality
Strong for states rights

Conservative Weakness
Has Mandated Vaccines for girls 12 years old

Rick Perry is one of the better candidates in the race, but I'm still not sure if I would vote for him over a Ron Paul 3rd party run.

He is terrible at debates which has really hurt him in the public opinion. He makes minor blunders that are very comical and kind of reminds me of George W. Bush.

Presidential Election Quiz

Here is a link to a website you can take a quiz and find out which candidates (Democrat, Republican, or Libertarian) line up with your way of thinking. Taking this quiz may suprise you which candidates agree most with you. The picture above is my results after taking the 35 question quiz.

The only question Paul and I disagreed on was answered that I think we need to have a physical fence to stop illegal immigration, but Paul is worried it could be used to keep American citizens from running from our own government.


Monday, December 19, 2011

Latest PPP IOWA GOP Poll

Latest Public Policy Polling Poll on the Iowa GOP Race

Ron Paul 23%
Mitt Romney 20%
Gringrich 14%

Polling only means show much, but it is amazing to see Iowa quickly changing who they are planning to vote on. No one can say that Ron Paul can't win an election, either you like him and would vote for him or not. No more excuses he is electable. Vote for who you believe matches your principles best. For me that is Ron Paul.

Below is the opening paragraph from the article of the latest poll


December 18, 2011

This was gathered from the Public Policy Polling website.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Glenn Beck on Ron Paul (3rd party) vs. Newt Gingrich

I don't agree with everything Glenn Beck says especially when it comes to Ron Paul. Beck has been one of the Conservatives who writes Paul off due to his foreign policy stance, particularly when because Paul would pull all foreign aid from other countries including Israel.

This clip is Glenn Beck talking to a caller and explaining why if Gingrich is the nominee he may have to consider Ron Paul as a third party candidate because he can't vote for a progressive in Gingrich or Obama.

His reasoning to the caller (the caller is upset he would back Ron Paul ever) is the same reasoning why I believe we need Ron Paul more than any other candidate, because if any huge crisis hits the progressives will effectively make the constitution null and void by changing the world we live in. I beg you to listen to the clip and just give it a thought,

"What will happen if a progressive is in office during the next big crisis. Even if they aren't fundamentally transforming America the following president may become a dictator or turn us into a communist country.

The Bantam Voice

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How Gingrich Could Ruin Americas Chances of Survival

When you hear someone say that Newt Gingrich is the conservative pick or that he is who they are planning to vote for or that he is an acceptable candidate think of what Newt stands for or has stated that he stands for

Individual Healthcare Mandate

He believes in Global Warming

Amnesty for illegals (in some form)

Subsidies (picking winners and losers with tax payer money)

Government solutions

If this is the "Republican Conservative Tea Party Constitution Candidate" than we are in trouble. Those who are looking for someone to vote for that is opposite of President Obama we are going to be confused that we offer a slightly less socialist progressive agenda we will not only lose confidence in the Republican party and conservative principles, but I believe we will lose our freedom.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Newt Gingrich (in review)

Newt Gingrich Freedom Score of 3 (out of a possible 10)

Key Notes
Former Speaker of the House
Well known historian and speaker

Conservative Strengths
Strong against abortion
Strong against homosexuality

Conservative Weakness
For individual healthcare mandate
For amnesty in some form
Believes in man made global warming

Newt Gingrich is considered the current front runner and is dropping in my mind as a candidate the more I listen to him. As I hear more and more interviews and debates with Speaker Gringrich I have been exceedingly concerned with him and his policies.

He is a great at debates and that is why I believe he is rising to the top, tv sells even to conservatives and "people who want real change."
Newt is a Obama with an "R" next to his name. He is a progressive and believes in big government and government solutions.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

USA Today "Deportation Tears Families Apart"

Last week USA today had the headline "Deportation Tears Families Apart."

Such profound reporting. My wife read the headline and with a much more profound rebuttal yelled,

"No parents who break the law tear families apart!"

Somehow we don't feel sorry for families who are torn apart when the father murders, robs a bank, drivings while drunk, or an endless list of other crimes, but we are suppose to feel sorry for illegal immigrants?

They thought through their actions for days if not weeks or months and continually back that decision by staying here. Don't be fooled by idiot bleeding hearts to twist the conversation.

So here is a quote from me The Bantam Voice you can take to the bank anytime the conversation goes the way of the bleeding heart

"Deportation doesn't tear families apart, but parents who break the law do."

The Bantam Voice

Thursday, December 1, 2011

How can Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, and Bill O'reilly All Be Wrong?

I have learned a lot in the past 5 years in regards to politics and how the world works in general. Most of what I have learned I have learned some of from each of these men.

All great men who spend hour after hour making us aware of the issues, keeping track of the government, but in a way that keeps us entertained.

I've heard all of them speak of how close to collapse we may be, how crucial it is we get the "best" candidate to run against Obama and how the better of the two evils is not the best choice and we need to stand on our principles.

Other than my parents and my wife these men (and others you probably wouldn't know) have had the most influence on how I think in terms of freedom and politics.

I have just recently realized they are all wrong.
(continue on below)

Mitt Romney (in review)


Mitt Romney Freedom score of 3 (out of a possible 10)

Key notes
Former governor of Massachusetts
Ran for president in 2008

Conservative Strengths
States he is strong on abortion (stated in 2002 he backs state funded abortion)
Stated he is against gay marriage (stated before it was a states right issue)

Conservative weakness
Huge flip flopping
Put mandated healthcare in his state as governor
At one point believe climate change

Considered the GOP front runner for the entire primary and has flip flopped on two of the biggest conservative issues this decade? It just doesn't add up.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Jon Huntsman (in review)

Jon Huntsman freedom score of 3 (out of a possible 10)
Key notes
1. Former Governor of Utah
2. Former Ambassador (including to China)
3. Mormon

Conservative Strengths (not what I think is right or wrong)
1. Against Abortion
2. .Seems pretty strong on illegal immigration

Conservative Weakness
1. Would not outlaw gay marriage
2. Doesn't seem to be for less government

Jon Huntsman doesn't have one glaring thing that I can say "This is what I don't like about him"
(continue on below)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Rick Santorum (in review)

The Iowa Caucus is about a month away now and I feel it is important that I give where I stand on each candidate. Anyone who has read any post of mine probably knows I'm for Ron Paul, but that doesn't mean there aren't things that I like or dislike about all the other candidates. I will also add the key points to their page.

I started the primary season (in the spring/summer) thinking I would be voting for Herman Cain, but my mind has been changed so it is possible in the future that I update these reviews of the candidates with new information. I will start from the candidate that I think is least likely that I will vote for

Rick Santorum Bantam freedom score of 2 (out of a possible 10)
Key notes-
1. former senator for Pennsylvania
2. devout Catholic
3. strong family values

Conservative Strenghts (Conservative strenghts not what I believe is good)
Against abortion
Against Gay Marriage
For huge military and strong against terrorism
For Homeschooling

Conservative Weakness
For huge government intervention in your life
Believes law is there to "teach" (presidents should make laws based on their morals, not just the constitution)

I like Rick Santorum as a individual and I believe he does have good intentions and would make good decisions as a president based on his views, but he would be disastrous in the long run for America.
(Continue on below)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Unique Terrorist Description and MIAC Report

Here is a part of an article that has been widely circulated, but I cannot confirm on any government or police website. (big suprise) The Patriot Act and other homeland security documents do leave lots to be desired on what a "domestic terrorist" is, but just to show you how close our freedoms are from being taken away.

While you read this list think of two things
1. Anyone fitting this description would have the Patriot Act supercede all constitutional rights because you are a domestic terrorist.

2. Even if this was fake would it suprise you if it was real? (by the way it isn't fake)
  • Expressions of libertarian philosophies (statements, bumper stickers)
  • Second Amendment-oriented views (NRA or gun club membership, holding a CCW permit)
  • Survivalist literature (fictional books such as “Patriots” and “One Second After” are mentioned by name)
  • Self-sufficiency (stockpiling food, ammo, hand tools, medical supplies)
  • Fear of economic collapse (buying gold and barter items)
  • Religious views concerning the book of Revelation (apocalypse, anti-Christ)
  • Expressed fears of Big Brother or big government
  • Homeschooling
  • Declarations of Constitutional rights and civil liberties
  • Belief in a New World Order conspiracy
(click to view more below)

Debate Review November 22nd GOP National Security Debate

This debate was less telling than the previous review I did of the thanksgiving family forum, but no less significant.

This debate was more traditional in the sense of 1 minute to 30 seconds for answers. There were several key moments in the debate, but most answers were very similiar to others.

1. The key question asked was would the candidates seek to repeal "the patriot act."

All candidates said they would not except Ron Paul. (See previous posts for my thoughts in depth on this)
(continue on below)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Illegal Immigration

Illegal immigration is one of the biggest problems that has an impact on nearly every aspect of our country. I will list several crazy facts about illegals that may shock you and show how it hurts our entire country.

22% of all sex crimes are committed by illegals

"In October 2008, the illegal immigrant population stood at 11.9 million according to the Pew Hispanic Center."

"There are approximately 7.7 million illegal aliens employed in U.S. jobs in 2008."
(continue on below)

Where the Candidates Stand on Same Sex Marriage

Candidates who want to make same sex marriage illegal


Mitt Romney
Rick Perry
Rick Santorum
Michelle Bauchmann
Newt Gingrich
Herman Cain


Ron Paul (believes that it isn't governments role it is the churches)
Jon Huntsman (believes in same sex unions but not marriages)

Friday, November 25, 2011

Governments Role in Marriage

I have just recently figured out where I stand on the Federal government declaring homosexual marriage illegal and wrong.

I firmly believe that homosexual marriage is wrong and not natural. I believe God made us man and women for a reason and that we are suppose to marry and be with the opposite sex accordingly, but the Federal government being invovled is totally different. (Continue on below)

Principles vs Details


     Principles                                            Details

I have conversation with many people who have many different types of views on all issues. I like hearing the reason why people think what they think and try to respect all opinions.

One way of thinking that comes up in many discussions that I disagree with is a mindset I refer to as details over principles. This line of thinking would play out in a conversation like this

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Where the Candidates Stand on repealing the Patriot Act

These Candidates that do not stand for repealing the Patriot Act including wire taps and spying on the American people

Mitt Romney
Rick Perry
Newt Gingric
Michelle Bauchmann
Jon Huntsman                                OPPOSED
Herman Cain
Rick Santorum

Those opposed to repealing the Patriot Act including wire taps and spying on the American people

Ron Paul                                      FOR

The Patriot Act

The Patriot Act is a law that President Bush Jr. signed into power following the attacks of 9-11. This gave the government a huge amount of power and we as the American people gladly let it happen. Why?

BECAUSE WE WERE SCARED. Ben Franklins quote of not giving liberty up for temporary safety exactly applied here. We are the American people have failed our country and our Founding Fathers by allowing this trashing of our constitution. We broke away from England partially because they were housing themselves (invading privacy) in our house.

I will a partial part of the bill of rights and show how The Patriot Act tramples it.
(continue on below)

My story from TODAY about the 2nd amendment

Today I was pulled over while working (I drive around for a living) and was at a horse park meeting a client. The reason the officer stated that the reason he pulled me over was

"There have been drug deals happening here at the park and you are from the city we believe the dealers are coming from." (continue on below)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Where the Candidates Stand on Gun Rights

Candidates that support the right to bear arms

Mitt Romney
Rick Perry
Michelle Bauchman
Rick Santorum
Newt Gingrich
Jon Huntsman
Herman Cain
Ron Pauls

Candidates that do not support

There are no GOP candidates currently running that oppose the 2nd amendment.

Debate Review: Nov. 19th Thanksgiving Family Forum

(link to full video of the debate)

This debate was unlike any other that I have seen thus far. The church that housed this "debate/forum" held 3000 people and was maxed out as you would expect.

Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman declined to attend (mainly because they are mormon and didn't want to be questioned on this in the church setting)
The candidates sat at a table set for Thanksgiving. This was a very telling debate because unlike other debates I've seen they were among friends. The candidates were not as guarded because everyone in that room has a similiar standard of right and wrong. There was no real time moderation and you really got a lot of information out of each candidate. (Continue on below)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Gun Rights (2nd Amendment)

This is possibly one of the easiest issues and should be cut and dry. Any American should have the right to purchase and have a handgun with NO TRACKING AT ALL.  Also we should be able to take a gun into a bank, store, bar, school, etc.

Now if you abuse that right and commit a crime with a gun you should lose that right (but if our judicial system was right you would probably be in jail for so long that you didn't have the chance to ever get another gun.)

Once again in a vaccum sounds like a terrible idea, but then does it?
(continue on below)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Where the Candidates Stand on Legalizing Marijuana

This is where the Candidates Stand on Legalizing Marijuana

Mitt Romney -1
Michelle Bauchmann -1
Rick Santorium -1
Herman Cain -1
                    Newt Gingrich -1
                    Jon Huntsman -1
                     Only Candidate to support legalizing Marijuana

Ron Paul +1

all candidates that oppose will lose -1 for not voting for freedom and all who oppose will be +1 on the Bantam Voice freedom score.

Now a lot of candidates are copping out of answers including this one (Herman Cain and Jon Huntsman I know for sure) by saying
(continue on below)

Legalizing Marjiuana

This is my example of how I go about thinking on any political or social issue. I do not think of all issues in a vaccum, but rather as if all issues were thought of  and executed in the right and correct way that was intended by our Founding Fathers and expressed through our founding documents.

Disclaimer right now, I do not believe it is smart to smoke marijuana and this is a new opinion for me based on this way or thinking I'm about to express to you. I also have never done any type of illegal drugs. Only the legal awful ones of caffeine, sugar, and prescribed medicine that kills your immune system (anyways) Most people will disagree with me (possibly even my own family, but even they would be wrong and you will see why shortly)

I would absolutely legalize marijuana, but I wouldn't stop there. All drugs would be legalized.
(Continue on below)

What this blog is and is not

This blog is not intended to tell anyone what to think. This blog is not intended to take away people responsibilities to learn about the candidates themselves.

I hope I can assist with the research by sharing where I get a lot of my research, post my research, and give my opinion.

This is intended to make people think and show people how I think and why. I will give an example of what I believe in the following post followed by the reason I believe it.

I believe that if you are a citizen of the United States, a politician, or someone who is trying to obtain citizenship you have accepted the contract with America and its people that there are 3 documents that formulate the rule of law. (continue on below)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Herman Cains 999 Plan

Herman Cains proposed plan of a 

9% national sales flat tax (which currently does not exist)
9% income flat tax (is anywhere from 15% to 35%)
9% corporate flat tax (Which is around 35% and will spur the economy immediatly)

will eliminate the current income tax code.

I am all for this plan. I am not planning on voting for Herman Cain, but this is the best tax system that has

How Write in Canidates May Save Our Country

I believe strongly in voting the right person for the job. I believe in principles and I believe in people voting by their principles.

I also believe the American people have been fooled into feeling like they have to vote for the republican or democrat nominee, this is not true.

I believe now more than ever people who do not care for you or me are pushing particular candidates to the

A No Vote is a Joke

  I hear some people say,

"I don't like any of the candidates so I'm not going to vote."

Not voting relinquishes your right to complain about what is going on in your country. If you don't have the effort to get out and vote for your president then if your freedoms go away, if you taxes go up, if socialism or communism finishes taking it's hold, you will have no one to blame, but yourself.

What I'm not saying is that you have to vote for the "D" or the "R." Write in a candidate or vote for a third party such as the Libertarian, but don't let your right to have a say in your country be wasted.

The Bantam Voice
Chris S.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Christians should know

I believe Christians, being the light of the world, should have the answers and the solutions to what is right and what is wrong.

When the world is turning upside down and evil is being called good and good is being called evil we as Christians should be able to say, "this is right/or this is wrong."

Christians should vote and care

I am a Christian and I am proud of it. I am also a very strong conservative constitutionalist. These are not in spite of each other. I believe that by being a "true" believer in Jesus Christ that I am compelled to be a conservative.

I believe that as a Christian I am suppose to fight for the oppressed, take care of the poor, be a good steward, fight for weak, love my neighbor and etc.

Not Voting for the Lesser of Two Evils

This blog was originally inspired by the last presidential election.

Once the GOP canidate (McCain) was nominated the republican canidate I soon realized that the republicans had chosen possibly the worst canidate available.