Monday, November 28, 2011

Debate Review November 22nd GOP National Security Debate

This debate was less telling than the previous review I did of the thanksgiving family forum, but no less significant.

This debate was more traditional in the sense of 1 minute to 30 seconds for answers. There were several key moments in the debate, but most answers were very similiar to others.

1. The key question asked was would the candidates seek to repeal "the patriot act."

All candidates said they would not except Ron Paul. (See previous posts for my thoughts in depth on this)
(continue on below)

2. Also Newt Gingrich came out with a new policy on illegal immigration stating he wanted to give some illegals a chance to become legal. He would like a board to review all illegals that come forward and decide if they can stay or need to be deported.

I personally do not want bigger government and think our laws adequately deal with the illegal immigration problem, but the problem lies in the enforcement of these laws and the federal government needs to release the states to be able to enforce these laws, while securing the border.

This I believe will really hurt Newt in the long run.

3. Finally it was asked "if Israel would bomb Iran would you lend troops or support otherwise."

All answered yes, except Cain and Paul. Herman Cain stated it would depend on the plan and whether it could be successful or not.

Ron Paul stated we just needed to get out of the way of Israel and let them take care of themselves, that they don't need our help.

I agree.

The Bantam Voice

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