Thursday, December 1, 2011

How can Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, and Bill O'reilly All Be Wrong?

I have learned a lot in the past 5 years in regards to politics and how the world works in general. Most of what I have learned I have learned some of from each of these men.

All great men who spend hour after hour making us aware of the issues, keeping track of the government, but in a way that keeps us entertained.

I've heard all of them speak of how close to collapse we may be, how crucial it is we get the "best" candidate to run against Obama and how the better of the two evils is not the best choice and we need to stand on our principles.

Other than my parents and my wife these men (and others you probably wouldn't know) have had the most influence on how I think in terms of freedom and politics.

I have just recently realized they are all wrong.
(continue on below)

They are all wrong about this upcoming election and even though they all claim that they won't speak of who they are endorsing they send really clear signals of who they like and don't like.

Each one of them has not stood consistent with what they teach. I will go through how each one of these great men is wrong and how they have written on Ron Paul as someone you should vote for, which I have no problem on them not liking Ron Paul as long as it is consistent with their beliefs and principles that have shaped how I think, but it isn't.

Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity was speaking with an English parliament member Daniel Hannan about all of our candidates and how close not only Europe, but America is to financial collapse. Daniel metioned how the world was watching these primaries and our upcoming election, because America was the last hope.

Hannity asked Hannon if he liked any of the candidates to which Hannon replied that he likes several of the candidates including,"
"Herman Cain and as you already know I love Ron Paul."

Hannan went on to say that he thought Ron Paul would be a great choice.

Hannity quickly responded,
"But you know he is wrong on foreign policy right?" (hannity doesn't like that ron paul doesn't want to nation build other countries)

He went on to basically dismiss Paul due to his foreign policy, but did add that Pauls budget (Which is available on his website) would cut 1 trillion dollars immediatly. Hannity states all the time that any candidate would be a good choice (Romney, Huntsman, Gingrich?) but Ron Paul is just too extreme on foreign policy.
Shame.... I thought we were worried about and fighting for freedom not the Patriot Act

Rush Limbaugh
The conservative icon is still by far a beacon of hope and full of wisdom, but he and his guest hosts write off Ron Paul consistently as having "no hope of winning", but do not mention that if Cain drops out (which may happen any day) Paul would be 3rd in all polls and Paul has not yet had a huge surge like Cain, Gingrich, Bauchmann, or Perry. This would be alright to me except that they don't say the same thing about Bauchmann or Perry who both are at 2% (bauchmann) and 8%, but Ron Paul is above Perry in all the polls and has never really wavered from the 10-15% mark.

I just want to hear him stand for "freedom" rather than try to avoid being on the losing side of the primaries. He should be blasting Romney and Gingrich (Which he does on certain issues), but people are looking to him for direction and who stands for freedom and who is a true conservative which few of the candidates appear to be.

Glenn Beck
Beck stands for being prepared of the coming collapse of our economy. For standing for the principles of our founders and our Judeo Christian faith. He stands for the constitution and how we have to protect that and our history. Beck despises and recognizes the damage the Federal Reserve has laid onto our nation and believes we need to get rid of the FED. So why doesn't he put his backing behind Ron Paul?

Beck also stands strongly for Israel. I do too, but Ron Paul stated he would pull all foreign aid including Israel. (no foreign aid to anyone) That is where Beck cannot support Paul which I can respect, but he took it one step farther yesterday stating

"Does he really mean what he says and say what he means?"

He went on to say that Paul added a portion to one of the huge spending bills that Obama rammed through Congress. The portion gave Texas some benefits from the bill.

Now I hate the bill as much as anyone alive, but do I feel that was wrong or hypocritical or Paul? I don't.
He is elected as represenative of his state. The Federal Government was taking money from Texas citizens and every other state in the nation and sending the money wherever it chose. If Texas is losing that money (unconstitutionally I might add) why not try to get some of the money it lost back to Texas? He vote against the bill, but if it passed (which we all knew it would) Texas would add least get a benefit from their own money. I see nothing wrong with that at all. I see something wrong with the bill, but not what Paul did.

Bill O'Reilly
Bill O'reilly the "no spin zone" guy said from the beginning of the primary that Ron Paul couldn't be taken seriously as a candidate. He was basically a distraction. For being a "no spin" guy saying the candidate (that was in 3rd place at the time) was no chance was pretty much "spinning" peope away from Paul. John McCain was 3rd place in the last GOP presidential primary in November prior to the Iowa caucus and he ended up winning the nomination pretty soundly. Plus Paul has a chance to win Iowa and if he does will be taken seriously as a contender in all the following states which will help his poll numbers.

Most people don't even think about Ron Paul because they believe he has no shot. Once people see he has a shot his numbers will rise.

Now do I believe these 4 men are evil, terrible, and shouldn't be listened to? No. We all have an agenda, a plan, a "spin." I'm just dissapointed because I got my agenda, my plan, my "spin" from them and now we don't have the same agenda.

My agenda is to save American and preserve freedom even if it isn't the most popular choice. These men are there to preserve their other agendas and their popularity while defeating Obama. I believe this problem is bigger than Obama and it is rooted in the Republican party as well. The problem isn't democrats it is progressives that don't run our country based on the Constitution and erode our freedoms. Just because a candidate is a Republican doesn't mean their fighting for freedom. Just look at the last President Bush and the Patriot Act and TARP. Two of the biggest freedom grappers of our lifetime.

Vote Freedom every time

The Bantam Voice

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