Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How Write in Canidates May Save Our Country

I believe strongly in voting the right person for the job. I believe in principles and I believe in people voting by their principles.

I also believe the American people have been fooled into feeling like they have to vote for the republican or democrat nominee, this is not true.

I believe now more than ever people who do not care for you or me are pushing particular candidates to the
front of the pack by throwing their money and power behind them.

The people of the United States standing up and voting for who they believe would be the best president whether as a write in or third party may scare the "r" and the "d" elite into being afraid of losing their "political clout" because so many Americans are no longer accepting what they say as the final word.

It may be the only way to save America. This presidential election cycle vote for the best candidate for the job even if they aren't the "R" or the "D."

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