Saturday, November 19, 2011

Legalizing Marjiuana

This is my example of how I go about thinking on any political or social issue. I do not think of all issues in a vaccum, but rather as if all issues were thought of  and executed in the right and correct way that was intended by our Founding Fathers and expressed through our founding documents.

Disclaimer right now, I do not believe it is smart to smoke marijuana and this is a new opinion for me based on this way or thinking I'm about to express to you. I also have never done any type of illegal drugs. Only the legal awful ones of caffeine, sugar, and prescribed medicine that kills your immune system (anyways) Most people will disagree with me (possibly even my own family, but even they would be wrong and you will see why shortly)

I would absolutely legalize marijuana, but I wouldn't stop there. All drugs would be legalized.
(Continue on below)

I know hardly anyone can believe I said that, but let me explain and remember it isn't in a vaccum.

The problem with drugs (caffeine, sugar, marijuana, crack, acid, etc) is that they are bad for you and that they change your behaviour in a way that can infringe on the rights of others, but that is not reason to outlaw them...... why?

I can infringe on the rights of someone with my car, my dog, myself, my computer, my camera, and on and on.

What would need to be corrected is the judicial system. One major problem with our society is consequences are not consistent and not harsh enough and they are upside down! (whole other post on that)

If all drugs were legalized and someone on acid got in his car tripping out (it is his right to hurt himself) and thought he was suppose to make pedestrians play Frogger that is a problem! He has infringed on the rights of others. Lets name it though, lets be specific. Rembember my list

1. Does this law or action infringe on the inalienable rights given by God and stated in our Declaration of Independence?

What are the inalienable rights listed? Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
When he took the car and tried to play Frogger with the pedestrians he infringed on all three rights. He threatened their life (literally), he threatened their liberty (they were refrained from being on a sidewalk they were legally allowed to be on), and their pursuit of happiness (walking to the store etc.)

Now there is no need to comment on the following two because we eliminated the action with the very first founding document on the list. So he would legally be allowed to trip on acid, but he could not infringe on the rights of others. I know people think

"Well what is to stop him from doing that?"

If we were consistent and revoked his license (The first time drunk driving, acid driving etc) happened (you have a right or priviledge to a license but once you infringe on someone elses rights with it you lose that right or priviledge)

Followed by serious jail time he would and others would be careful of when they did acid (have a friend make sure they stay in the house, lock the door and hide the key/keys) or they just woudn't do it at all, because the risk to them was too great.

I do believe that it is wrong to drive impaired and that there would be different levels of consequences for injuring someone verses driving while impaired, but with what I mentioned above that would be the lowest consequence for driving impaired with injuring someone or infringing on others rights adding to the consequence.

That is freedom, freedom to mess up and get the consequences, freedom is messy! Freedom is not everyone gets a blue ribbon in life. Now I know our system is not right and our judges are TERRIBLE. So it could be terrible if we legalized all drugs, but when I look at an issue I don't look at in a vaccum, because once you do that you end up where we are. SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM, we are on the edge of losing our republic (We aren't suppose to have a democracy in case you didn't know) democracy failes every time it is tried and always ends in socialism, communism, or a dictator.

So the next time you hear a candidate or someone says they think we should legalize marijuana remember me and my thinking and that is probably what they are thinking.

THE GOVERNMENT HAS NO RIGHT OR AUTHORITY to tell us what plant we can have and cannot. Soon they will make it illegal to do private gardenening and that is where that thinking leads to.

I know it may make you nervous, because you think the government should keep you safe (boy are you confused) but I'll leave you with this quote

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."-Ben Franklin 1759

Don't be so quick to give up your freedoms or some one elses just for your security. You may regret it later

The Bantam Voice
Chris S.

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