(link to full video of the debate)
Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman declined to attend (mainly because they are mormon and didn't want to be questioned on this in the church setting)
The candidates sat at a table set for Thanksgiving. This was a very telling debate because unlike other debates I've seen they were among friends. The candidates were not as guarded because everyone in that room has a similiar standard of right and wrong. There was no real time moderation and you really got a lot of information out of each candidate. (Continue on below)
I have double the respect I had previously for each candidate following the debate. This debate shows you that they are human. Different from all other debates in that it wasn't about the economy, foreign affairs, or even national defense, this forum mainly focused on the social issues that seperates the republicans from the democrats and really define where the candidates core values come from. (Continue on below)
The candidates were all given an opportunity to "Bear there soul here in this sanctuary" and share one life story that really shaped how they think or that tested their faith. All the candidates had good answers, but these stood out to me.
Herman Cain shared about finding out about stage 4 cancer, Newt Gingrich shared how in the 90's he had a friend tell him that he had all the symptoms of an alchoholic and needed to get right with God (he wasn't drinking, but he was away from God), Rick Santorum told the story of being a hypocrite by not loving his disable daughter the same even though he condems those who practice partial birth abortion for not treating them the same as a healthy baby.
Going into the debate/forum I had the candidates in the following order of my preference
Ron Paul, Herman Cain, Michelle Bauchmann, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, and Jon Huntsman.
There was only a handful of moments that actually addressed the actual issues of abortion, gay marriage, and the moral reason for going to war. I will quickly give the highlights.
Herman Cain
1. really hurt himself (I know for sure with me) by saying he would "push hard for abortion legislation, but would sign it if it got to his desk." With this being such a softball type debate I was shocked he didn't hit that ball right out of the park.
2. Stated that freedom without responsibility is immoral (look at the occupy wall street movement)
Ron Paul
1. May have hurt himself with the Christian voters some because he stood for the Constitution verses what he knew they wanted to hear. He was directly asked the question of banning Gay marriage. His answer was that he would not ban gay marriage and that he would make a Constitution amendment that defined marriage as one man and one women. Paul went on to say that in the old testament Samuel (A judge before Israel had kings) told the people that they didn't need more laws telling them what was right and wrong. Pauls continued on to say that the issue of gay marriage needs to be handled by the church and the family and that we don't need to look to the federal government to define marriage. That would give the government more power and he asked the questions,
"Where would it stop. Do we need the United Nation to define marriage for us?"
This issue I've never really had a good handle on what the governments role in this should be and hearing his answer cleared it right up. It challenged me for ever thinking that the government should "fix" what we as Christians and Americans have allowed.
Paul also stated that on abortion we should pass that human life starts at conception, but we need to make sure we don't give the federal government power to enforce this law, but that the power should remain with the state as do all violent crimes currently.
Rick Santorum
I would not vote for Rick Santorum no matter what. He did nothing, but hurt himself with his mindset at this debate. Santorum repeatedly made mention that laws are teachers and if something is immoral we should have a law against it. He repeatedly showed that his mindset is one that scares me.
He believes that if it is right or wrong we should be able to make a long for or against it. This is clearly not what the Founding Fathers wanted. They did not want the federal government making laws based on an individuals morality. What happens if the following president doesn't have a christian morality, but they can make laws based on their morals? OH YEAH WE HAVE SEEN THAT.
I'm sure President Obama believes national healthcare is morally right, but we are suppose to have laws that support freedom and allow people to be held accountable by God for what is right and wrong.
Michelle Bauchmann, Rick Perry, and Newt Gingrich all did well, but really didn't have anything that made or broke them.
I encourage you to watch this or find on YouTube the highlights of the debate to see for yourself how they did.
Hands down Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich are consistently the smartest people in the room, but I believe Ron Paul won this debate without question. He was the only candidate going against what everyone wanted and saying why it was right according to the constitution and according to the Bible while not compromising his morals or beliefs.
Herman Cain I believe has lost my vote completely and cannot get it back.
Newt Gingrich really has pushed himself into my 2nd spot. I now believe after this debate that my current ranking order of candidates are
1. Ron Paul (not even close on this one)
2. Newt Gingrich
3. Michelle Bauchman
4. Herman Cain
5. Rick Perry
6. Mitt Romney
7. Rick Santorum
8. Jon Huntsman
I believe if I had to vote right now for all that I believe should be a GOP nominee that I only would feel comfortable TODAY voting for Paul and Gingrich.
The Bantam Voice
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