Monday, December 12, 2011

Newt Gingrich (in review)

Newt Gingrich Freedom Score of 3 (out of a possible 10)

Key Notes
Former Speaker of the House
Well known historian and speaker

Conservative Strengths
Strong against abortion
Strong against homosexuality

Conservative Weakness
For individual healthcare mandate
For amnesty in some form
Believes in man made global warming

Newt Gingrich is considered the current front runner and is dropping in my mind as a candidate the more I listen to him. As I hear more and more interviews and debates with Speaker Gringrich I have been exceedingly concerned with him and his policies.

He is a great at debates and that is why I believe he is rising to the top, tv sells even to conservatives and "people who want real change."
Newt is a Obama with an "R" next to his name. He is a progressive and believes in big government and government solutions.

Michelle Bauchmann referred to Newt Gingrich as a "Frugal Socialist." It completely sums up my view of Newt Gingrich. Instead of trying to change our government and give the rights back to the people he wants to use government for "good."

Newt states over and over that

 "well that won't pass so we should do this"

and suggest some part fix to a big government program such as prescription drug program by President Bush.  He also stated in an interview that he believes subsidies to be a good idea depending on what you pick as long as you pick the winner.


The only reason I have Gingrich above Romney is because I believe that the only thing Gingrich has above Romney is that he is a better debater and I believe would defeat Obama and Romney would not. I also have issue with Gingrich being married 3 times, but not ruling him out because of it.

Don't fall for the good debater he has no substance and is very progressive and I believe possibly dangerous.

The Bantam Voice

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