Friday, January 27, 2012

Is it Worth Doing Poorly?

Our society and culture has raised us with the words of grandma

"If it is worth doing it's worth doing right."

Many of us would agree with that and nod our head. I would argue for Joel Salatins point in his book, Folks, This Ain't Normal, that one of the things that is wrong with America and our families today is that we are scared to try anything. We won't do something "right" or perfect the first time, but we need to try and then craft the skill.

So don't be afraid to try something new today because
"If it is worth doing it is worth doing poorly."

  The Bantam Voice
"Freed People Free People"

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

U.S. Constitution Original Intent - Complete Liberty?

I just listened to Rick Santorum on Glen Beck while he explained what he meant when he said,

"Ron Paul has a libertarian view of the Constitution, but I do not."

Santorum has the perfect view of the Constitution and how our country was founded. He believes that you cannot separate the Declaration of Independence from the Constitution because the Declaration was the base for the Constitution.

The Founding Fathers believed that the Constitution and government that was set up was only for a "moral"/"God fearing people." Santorum believes that it is our governments role to not allow "prostitution, pornography" and all other kinds of "sins."
Santorum and Glen Becks view, that the Constitution was only for a moral/God fearing people and that true and complete liberty (including immorality) was not meant to be achieved. My opinion and what I believe is right vs. what is flawed with the previous view is that it is not the Federal Governments role to choose what is right and what is wrong. What is moral and what is "God fearing" is not to be decided by the Federal Government.

Logically this thinking doesn't even hold up outside of the government and the constitution. I will give an example of this
I will use the example of prostitution being illegal which is one example Santorum stated the founders never intended liberty be exercised through.

What is the difference between prostitution and one night stands?

Prostitution is a monetary transaction for sex.
One night stands are commonly transactions for companionship, dinner, concert, gifts in exchange for sex (for male one night stands generally are just looking for sex) (women mainly for companionship, dinner, concert, gifts, and also sex)

What is the difference? One is through money the other through things you would have to pay money for to receive. No difference

Argument-Prostitution is only about sex and sex is the only goal. A one night stand may come out of a serious date seeking a relationship with another person. That is the difference.

Answer-Then we should make illegal any one night stands that are only intended for sex from the beginning? Wouldn't that be being the thought police? We don't want the government to be the thought police. So prostitution being illegal just results in more dates that are pointless and are gone on for sex only. Why in the world would we want the Federal Government to outlaw "prostitution?" It just creates more criminals.
(there are endless argument that could go on and on, but this isn't about legalizing prostitution as much as it is about the federal governments role in dictating what the people can and cannot due right or wrong)

This line of thinking that government makes laws to create "godly" behavior would not produce "God fearing people." It would create government fearing people or criminals. You cannot make people be "God fearing" through laws and government. The very existence of a government law would result in less fear of God and less testimony or examples of how we are a God fearing people. God fearing people do what is right even in the existence of liberty and freedom.

I DO believe that our founders knew that without a moral and God fearing people the republic would falter. The reason it would falter is with great freedom, liberty, and power comes great responsibility and if a generation embraces the freedom, but doesn't accept the responsibility our culture and republic would become increasingly corrupt, immoral, and lose the foundation it was founded on.

Our republic has faltered and the only hope for our nation is for freedom and liberty to exist. "God fearing" people do what is right in the absence of restrictive law not because of it. If people are not presented with the choice to do what is right based on fear of God we will never again be a nation of "God fearing" people and our republic will never last.

According to our constitution governments role isn't to ensure it's own survival from an immoral people, but to ensure the survival of liberty regardless.

The Bantam Voice
"Freed People Free People"

Monday, January 16, 2012

(R)epublican vs. (D)emocrat vs. (L)ibertarian - The issues "Abortion"

The real question is not where the parties "say" they are, but where they appear to be and their reputation. This will be completely from my point of view and my own analysis and opinion. Some of it may be what the parties say they stand for and other is my perception of where they stand as a party, not as individual voters.

(D)emocrat-For the womans right to choose even to the point of trumping the "right to life" of the baby. Strong supporters of abortion.

(R)epublican-Against abortions to the point of giving government more power. For making a federal law to stop abortions

(L)ibertarian-Believe government (especially federal) should be kept out of the decision. If government would be to get involved at the state level not federal.

The Bantam Voice-I believe life starts at conception and life should be recognized at conception. I believe abortion as a violent crime should be enforced at the state level as is every other violent crime. I support the amendment to the constitution that says that "citizenship starts at conception." I do not believe the federal government needs to be involved in enforcing laws against abortion.

The Bantam Voice
"Freed people Free people"

Saturday, January 14, 2012

(R)epublican vs. (D)emocrat vs. (L)ibertarian-Whats the Difference?

I will now share what each party stands for or that they claim to stand for. Later I will talk about what each party has become and what direction they are heading.

(L)ibertarian Platform-
The preamble outlines the party's goal: "As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty; a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values for the benefit of others." Its Statement of Principles begins: "We, the members of the Libertarian Party, challenge the cult of the omnipotent state and defend the rights of the individual." The platform emphasizes individual liberty in personal and economic affairs, avoidance of "foreign entanglements" and military and economic intervention in other nations' affairs and free trade and migration. It calls for Constitutional limitations on government as well as the elimination of most state functions. It includes a "Self-determination" section which quotes from the Declaration of Independence and reads: "Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of individual liberty, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to agree to such new governance as to them shall seem most likely to protect their liberty." It also includes an "Omissions" section which reads: "Our silence about any other particular government law, regulation, ordinance, directive, edict, control, regulatory agency, activity, or machination should not be construed to imply approval."[4]

(D)emocrat Platform-
(click below to read more)

(R)epublican vs. (D)emocrat vs. (L)ibertarian-Starting Points

The United States of America and the people who make up America are split down the middle in our multi-party system.  According to Gallup polls there are roughly 45% Republicans and 45% Democrats with 10% being truly Independent or Libertarians. I thought it would be important to at least do a brief history and review on the parties.

I wanted to share the highlights that seemed to be the most important. I will do a series based on the
"(R)epublican vs. (D)emocrat vs. (L)ibertarian".

I thought I'd start with the brief history of how each party got started.
(click below to read more)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Guest Article by Devon Inman "The Immorality of Voting Liberal or Semi-Liberal"

This is an article written by Devon Inman of "Life Beyond the Budget"

"The Immorality of Voting Liberal or Semi-Liberal"

After numerous conversations with very conservative Christians, who all seem far to willing to vote for the 'most electable candidate' or the man 'most likely to beat Obama' it became apparent that some more time was needed to be put into thinking about just why that doesn't make sense as a Christian.

Because I am a student of economics that is where my mind first wandered, and since most of the opposition candidates is trying their best to convince everyone they are pro-life, and anti-gay marriage, the two big issues to conservative Christians this election cycle, economics is a different path to moral issues I thought would be fun. So here goes:

Voting Liberal or Semi-Liberal is voting for murder. Not in the pro-life 'abortion is murder' stance, but in the very real 'young man gets shot defending his country in another country that has no plan nor ability to attack us on a military scale' sense.

You might be saying to yourself, 'But it's Republicans that get us in those wars, so isn't it conservatives?'. First the answer is no, and no, we got in WW2 and Vietnam under democrats, and George Bush can easily be described as 'semi-liberal'. So why is voting liberal going to lead us to war?
(click below to read more)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Outside the Box on Unemployment

New unemployment numbers were released today with great news! Unemployment is down to 8.5%. Great news right! The economy is turning around! We're saved! Obama has done it! We are on the rise!

Right? Well those headlines and others similiar to that are floating around, but many people have trouble believing our economy has really dropped unemployment that much in the last 2 months. I for one.

If you listened to any conservative talk show host today you may hear that the numbers are manipulated and so on and so forth. They are right, but what is the simple explanation to it? How can we explain how it is being manipulated? Here we go

There are less people in the potential employment world now. People gave up. If the pool was as big as when Obama was first put in office unemployment would be at 10.9%.

So the next time you hear some great or bad news about the economy don't take it at face value. If we stay in our box and never look outside of what we are told our country and our generation is lost. The truth will be lost.

Get outside of the box look around you may be suprised what you find.

The Bantam Voice

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Game On (Iowa Caucus) Santorum Miracle

Mitt Romney ended up winning Iowa by 8 eight votes over Rick Santorum. Both Candidates had 25% of the vote and Ron Paul was a distant 3rd with 21% of the vote. History has shown the top 3 candidates are the only candidates to do well for the rest of the primary process.

The story of the night will be Rick Santorum coming from low single digits last week to end up with 25% of the vote a week later.

I watched the entire process until 2am this morning and was able to hear more of Rick Santorum plans to do than I ever had before. I thought it important that I give a little more thought about Rick Santorum because I have been so critical of him, because he will be the "anti-Romney" for all intents and purposes.

Santorum I believe is a good guy with seemingly good intentions. With his speech last night he made clear he is for freedom and personal liberty. He is strong on abortion and homosexual marriage, but has said we recognize homosexual marriages, but we just don't call it marriage.

Last night Santorum expanded on his economic plan of

0% capital gains tax for manufacturing
cut the capital gains tax for all other business in half
make a 2 tier tax system 10 and 28% with only 5 deductions

Overal I came out of last night with a better view of Santorum, but he still makes me nervous by giving the Federal Government more power through being a moral standard versus giving the liberty back to the people.

Santorum seems to be the clear evangelical conservative pick and I'm out on whether I would vote 3rd party for Ron Paul or Santorum if he was the nominee against Obama.

Buckle up it will be fun to watch the rest of this primary. From here on out it will be a 3 way race of Paul, Romney, and Santorum.

The Bantam Voice