Thursday, December 1, 2011

Mitt Romney (in review)


Mitt Romney Freedom score of 3 (out of a possible 10)

Key notes
Former governor of Massachusetts
Ran for president in 2008

Conservative Strengths
States he is strong on abortion (stated in 2002 he backs state funded abortion)
Stated he is against gay marriage (stated before it was a states right issue)

Conservative weakness
Huge flip flopping
Put mandated healthcare in his state as governor
At one point believe climate change

Considered the GOP front runner for the entire primary and has flip flopped on two of the biggest conservative issues this decade? It just doesn't add up.

I believe Romney being a former businessman and a political figure is a lot like Huntsman and Bill Clinton. His stances seem to follow the crowd and political momentum.

I could not bring myself under any circumstances to vote for Romney or the previous two candidates. (Huntsman and Santorum) But just like Huntsman I believe Romney will not do anything catastrophic to the nation because he would want to be re-elected.

His appeal to people is just confusing to me. He doesn't take strong stances on anything of value and has flip flopped over and over again. He is a decent debater, but Gingrich and Paul even beat him in that arena. If Romney is the GOP candidate I believe Obama (or if he drops out the other democrat) would be re-elected. We can't claim as Republicans to be the party of "conservative values" and "the anti Obama" vote when our candidate is almost exactly like Obama.

Obama has been quoted as taking Romneys mandatory healthcare program he instituted as governor as a guide to Obama-care.

I can't find one reason (other than America doesn't have principles) that people would vote for Romney and he could be the nominee. We need a real candidate that is a clear cut difference with solid principles and values and I fear we may be left with Romney or to vote anti-Romney which the media is saying is Newt Gingrich. (what a joke he is basically the same as well)

If you were leaning towards Huntsman, Romney, or Santorum please vote Santorum because he has strong principles. I just can't vote for him due to the power I believe the Federal Government would draw from Santorum making so many "moral" laws.

The Bantam Voice

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