Friday, January 6, 2012

Outside the Box on Unemployment

New unemployment numbers were released today with great news! Unemployment is down to 8.5%. Great news right! The economy is turning around! We're saved! Obama has done it! We are on the rise!

Right? Well those headlines and others similiar to that are floating around, but many people have trouble believing our economy has really dropped unemployment that much in the last 2 months. I for one.

If you listened to any conservative talk show host today you may hear that the numbers are manipulated and so on and so forth. They are right, but what is the simple explanation to it? How can we explain how it is being manipulated? Here we go

There are less people in the potential employment world now. People gave up. If the pool was as big as when Obama was first put in office unemployment would be at 10.9%.

So the next time you hear some great or bad news about the economy don't take it at face value. If we stay in our box and never look outside of what we are told our country and our generation is lost. The truth will be lost.

Get outside of the box look around you may be suprised what you find.

The Bantam Voice

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