I just listened to Rick Santorum on Glen Beck while he explained what he meant when he said,
"Ron Paul has a libertarian view of the Constitution, but I do not."
Santorum has the perfect view of the Constitution and how our country was founded. He believes that you cannot separate the Declaration of Independence from the Constitution because the Declaration was the base for the Constitution.
The Founding Fathers believed that the Constitution and government that was set up was only for a "moral"/"God fearing people." Santorum believes that it is our governments role to not allow "prostitution, pornography" and all other kinds of "sins."
Santorum and Glen Becks view, that the Constitution was only for a moral/God fearing people and that true and complete liberty (including immorality) was not meant to be achieved. My opinion and what I believe is right vs. what is flawed with the previous view is that it is not the Federal Governments role to choose what is right and what is wrong. What is moral and what is "God fearing" is not to be decided by the Federal Government.
Logically this thinking doesn't even hold up outside of the government and the constitution. I will give an example of this
I will use the example of prostitution being illegal which is one example Santorum stated the founders never intended liberty be exercised through.
What is the difference between prostitution and one night stands?
Prostitution is a monetary transaction for sex.
One night stands are commonly transactions for companionship, dinner, concert, gifts in exchange for sex (for male one night stands generally are just looking for sex) (women mainly for companionship, dinner, concert, gifts, and also sex)
What is the difference? One is through money the other through things you would have to pay money for to receive. No difference
Argument-Prostitution is only about sex and sex is the only goal. A one night stand may come out of a serious date seeking a relationship with another person. That is the difference.
Answer-Then we should make illegal any one night stands that are only intended for sex from the beginning? Wouldn't that be being the thought police? We don't want the government to be the thought police. So prostitution being illegal just results in more dates that are pointless and are gone on for sex only. Why in the world would we want the Federal Government to outlaw "prostitution?" It just creates more criminals.
(there are endless argument that could go on and on, but this isn't about legalizing prostitution as much as it is about the federal governments role in dictating what the people can and cannot due right or wrong)
This line of thinking that government makes laws to create "godly" behavior would not produce "God fearing people." It would create government fearing people or criminals. You cannot make people be "God fearing" through laws and government. The very existence of a government law would result in less fear of God and less testimony or examples of how we are a God fearing people. God fearing people do what is right even in the existence of liberty and freedom.
I DO believe that our founders knew that without a moral and God fearing people the republic would falter. The reason it would falter is with great freedom, liberty, and power comes great responsibility and if a generation embraces the freedom, but doesn't accept the responsibility our culture and republic would become increasingly corrupt, immoral, and lose the foundation it was founded on.
Our republic has faltered and the only hope for our nation is for freedom and liberty to exist. "God fearing" people do what is right in the absence of restrictive law not because of it. If people are not presented with the choice to do what is right based on fear of God we will never again be a nation of "God fearing" people and our republic will never last.
According to our constitution governments role isn't to ensure it's own survival from an immoral people, but to ensure the survival of liberty regardless.
The Bantam Voice
"Freed People Free People"